
Thursday, March 28, 2019

The Very Hungry Kina

MY mouth is  sooo dry I can not talk it was crazy until it all started. Oh now I am terviyd intill the snapper came owt. I want to go haaaa.  The snapper krakt open a kiner then the fisherman kam along to the shore of matiy bay. He pot same bat on the hook and kast it out. the spoteys took a kereys look but one of the big snappers come along and took the bat but the other snapper was sad thea the other snapper got pulled up to the sefis. A diver kam he was not mesing aran he fownd the reef he snekt to grab the krafish he got them. The kina now rold the reef the kinas bit of a bit of kallp the kinas grow and mottaplied and the kinner dance to bad to the bon. Then the fisherman tokt to the diver.